It has been yet another manic month, each and every day brings yet more things to be done and yet more places to go. Whilst I’m all for keeping busy – there is busy and then there is BUSY. I haven’t stopped for a second, other than to eat, wash, sleep or the essential. Both Paul and I are living by lists, whether that be shopping lists or task lists, there seems to be a never-ending realm of things to consider and to complete.
November has certainly kept us on our toes, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved over the past thirty days or so.
Mini Adventures
If you follow my Instagram or read this blog, you will be well aware that Paul and I recently purchased a Mini. My Nana used to drive Mini’s and she had a range of these cars throughout her lifetime. Ever since I was young I have always fancied following suit and getting my very own Mini. This dream became a reality earlier this month when we went to collect our beautiful new ‘brum’ from ‘Up North’.
Firework Fun
As a family, we are big fans of ‘Bonfire Night’ and no matter what the weather will always get ourselves out to enjoy the celebrations. Paul and I took the kids along to not one but two spectacular firework displays around the local area. The kids enjoyed stuffing their faces with hot dogs, burgers, candy floss and all kinds of junk food as they twizzled their sparklers by the fire. The atmosphere was fantastic as were the fireworks!
New Door
After spending six years putting up with a ‘dodgy door’, we finally arranged for a replacement door to be fitted and what a difference it has made! Having the ability to open and to close the door without the worry of the door locking behind me or worse, bending under pressure and opening despite being locked is a vast improvement upon what we once had.
The builders are yet to return to add further facia to the surround (both indoors and outdoors) but I don’t mind waiting for that.
Celebrating 100 Years
Midway through the month Paul’s Nana (and the kids Great-Nana) Margy turned one hundred years of age. This is an amazing age and a huge achievement – we celebrated with a huge family party which was enjoyed by all.
The Dickensian Festival
It’s been a few years since we’ve been able to visit the local Dickensian Festival as I’ve either been busy working or the weather hasn’t been suitable. This year though, I had the weekend free and the weather was just right for a day out. It felt so lovely to be out as a family getting ourselves into the festive spirit.
Clever Cats
Both J & E have made huge leaps and bounds in terms of their educational progress recently. E has found herself reading higher level books meanwhile J has been busy working on his writing. Both J & E never fail to make my heart swell with pride. I have two clever little cats who work their socks off.
Meals Out
Paul and I have over-indulged ourselves with meals out this month. We very rarely get to go out for a meal together and when we do it’s never to where we actually want to go. This month though, we’ve been not once but twice to our favoured place to feast.
Office Organisation
Every now and then I get the urge to give the house a makeover, whether that be to paint walls or simply move the furniture around. We’ve recently changed the office by moving the furniture around, this gave me the perfect opportunity to have a complete clear out and to organise everything into a perfect working space.
Feeling Festive
Christmas is coming and given that I’m the organised type, I’ve spent the past two months or so getting ready for the occasion. I only have a few bits and pieces left to buy and the cards to write then I’m just about ready to rock Christmas!
Besties Reunited
To complete what felt like a frantic but fabulous month, I finally got to catch up with my bestie Dee. Dee and I haven’t seen each other since the summer, we may send each other WhatsApp messages each and every day but that doesn’t cut the mustard when compared to a brew with your bestie.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in November.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!
1 comment
Great to read that the children are doing well at school and 100 years is certainly an achievement #LikedAndLoved