Can you believe July is done and dusted? Another month has flown by in the blink of an eye and I don’t really feel as if we’ve done a great deal in all honesty, I have however found a few things that I have ‘Liked and Loved‘ which I have chosen to share.
With the summer holidays having arrived Paul and I have finally had the time to take the kids swimming, something which we all equally enjoy. We recently swapped E’s beloved arm bands for a Konfidence Swim Vest and since doing so we’ve found that her swimming has improved no end.
E is now far more confident in the water, so much so that she spent the majority of her time bomb diving in and out of the pool. Some time later when the slide finally opened E raced over to the steps and measured herself up against the one metre height guide.
E must have grown as we found that she was just and so over the height limit and as a result she was delighted to be able to ride unassisted. Paul and I were a little wary at first but by the third or fourth run we realised that she was more than able to slide without our support.
The Teachers Award
J finished his School year on a high having being awarded the ‘Teachers Award’. Unlike the ‘Lighthouse Award’ which is handed out on a weekly basis, the ‘Teachers Award’ is handed out once a year to two or three individuals within each class.
To be honest I was in shock as I watched J’s Teacher placing the award around his neck, it certainly wasn’t something which I expected and I couldn’t be prouder of our little man.
Badminton Battles
Whilst clearing the garden shed Paul and I came across our Badminton set purchased many moons ago, ten years ago to be precise back when our shared driveway became a makeshift badminton court as we batted our wedding planning based stresses back and forth across the tarmac.
We dusted off the rackets, located a Shuttlecock or two and have since been enjoying regular badminton battles along with two extra little players on our Astroturf by which I mean batting the shuttlecock back and forth over the washing line in our back garden which we recently laid fake grass upon.
Taster Days
With E starting School in just over a months time she was asked to attend two taster sessions to become accustomed to the school surroundings. E absolutely loved spending time in School so much so that she cried at the concept of coming home.
Time has gone by so fast, one moment E was a tiny baby cuddled into my arms moaning over her milk the next here she is ready and eager to start School!? I am so glad that I prioritised my children over my career taking the time to spend with them during the early years before starting School. One things for sure, time goes by fast with children and once that time has passed you by there is no way of ever getting it back so be certain to use that time well and wisely.
The End of Term
The summer holidays finally arrived, the mountains of books, pictures and random bits from throughout the School and Nursery year were sent home along with the PE kits, the pumps, the paintings and the pictures which were then all placed into boxes ready to be stored in the attic.
It was so lovely to look through the children’s work and to see what they had been busy with throughout the year. They have each come on leaps and bounds and given how hard they have obviously worked I am damned sure they are deserving of a six-week break!
Speaker Solutions
Almost sixteen years ago my parents purchased a sparkly new Sony stereo for me to take along to University with me. That stereo just so happens to be the very sound system which Paul and I still make regular use of in our living room. The speakers may be a little worse for wear, the CD laser may not read as well as it once did and it may well have a double cassette deck but it works and for now that will do.
However, elsewhere in the house I have very little in terms of Music systems, the kids have their IPods with speakers in each of their rooms which they listen to each night before bed. We have a rather plush DAB/ Bluetooth Radio in the kitchen but upstairs is rather lacking.
I’ve spent years putting up with my IPhone and Macbook’s tinny speakers until recently when Paul and I placed a large speaker behind our bed. I am now able to plug directly into said speaker playing whatever I so fancy whenever I feel the urge. Given time I’m hoping that we can look into some wireless speaker options which may be a little beefier in terms of bass but for now I am more than happy to be able to listen to Music from the comfort of my bed.
Dungaree Dress Delight
Having shed a few pounds here and there I am finally able to fit into fashion items which would have previously been a pipe dream. I have a particular fashion fondness for Dungaree dresses, they are über cute and I am over the bleeding moon to finally be rocking a range of Denim Dungaree Dresses paired with tights and retro off the shoulder tops.
I am far from a size zero, or a size ten for that matter but the simple fact that I can finally wear clothes which make me feel and look good is enough for me. I’m yet to lose a little more weight which I will do given time but for now I’m fairly happy with my figure.
Pram Push
In order to raise funds for E’s Nursery E and I were asked to take part in a sponsored pram push. I wasn’t entirely ecstatic about the idea of pushing E in a pram around the countryside I lightened up a little once I realised I wouldn’t be the one doing the pushing! E along with her Nursery friends took their baby dolls and teddy bears in their toy prams for a stroll around the local area and what fun it was!
The weather was perfect, the kids had a great time and according to the recent update I received, the Nursery has made a good amount of money all of which will go towards equipment for future children.
Painting The Town Red
Earlier this month Paul and I finally escaped the four walls for a night on the tiles. We started in the local cocktail bar where I consumed large quantities of Blue Lagoon (jugs of the stuff to be precise) we then headed home where we dumped the car before heading for our local pub.
It’s been years since I’ve been to a pub other than the one in which I work. I wasn’t really expecting much but found myself surprised that there was live Music, a fantastic atmosphere and fairly cheap drinks. We both drank far too much and despite feeling like death the next morning we had an awesome night and I hope that we can do it again some time soon.
You Hum It I’ll Play It
As you may well know from reading past blog posts, I have a rather chunky baby grand in my living room which I love to play when I eventually find the time to sit down without distraction. Since the summer holidays began I’ve found the time and inclination to do just this and it feels great.
I am quite lucky in that I am able to listen to a song and minutes later play it almost note for note, you hum it I’ll play it kind of thing… I’ve managed to perfect quite a few of my favourites this past week including several London Grammar numbers and Emilie Sande’s ‘Hurt’.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in July.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!
There certainly sounds like there were lots of highlights in July. I think it’s so important for the little ones to have water confidence and will look into getting some of those swim vests I think.
Well done for feeling comfortable in your clothes. I’m a way off that at the moment but I’m trying to eat better and walk more to help.
I need to work on it more now
Oh that swim vest looks fab, I think I need get my daughter something like this for when we go abroad. My little girl is off to school in September too, so glad your daughter enjoyed her visits. x #likedandloved
Thanks they are good yeh x
Sounds like your son finished the school year on a high! I can’t believe my eldest has finished her first year at school already, it flew by. I hope you are having a fab summer holidays x #likedandloved
Ooh I love your dungaree dress! It sounds like a fab month, I hope your August was ace as well! Thanks for joining in with #LikedandLoved again.
Stevie x
Thanks Stevie xxx