So here we are at the end of another month and of another year. I am forever saying that ‘time flies’ but it truly does or at least it seems to once you have children. With it being Christmas there has been endless family festive fun, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout December.
I’ve always enjoyed a good countdown, whether it’s counting down the months, weeks, days or even hours to a particular event, Christmas is no different. As a kid, I remember having an advent calendar, it may not have contained chocolate but still, I enjoyed opening the numbered doors each morning before setting off to school.
The kids couldn’t wait to be given their advent calendars, they each had two chocolate advent calendars along with their wooden calendars which they usually get a chocolate coin in each day. They too seemed to enjoy the countdown to Christmas especially the chocolate that they found hidden behind doors and in drawers each morning.
Rocko Returned
Along with the advent calendars came the Elf, a tradition that we began last year and couldn’t wait to continue this year. Rocko arrived wrapped in a trail of toilet roll which rolled from the top to the bottom of the stairs marked with the message “I’m Back!”.
Whilst it took a little imagination to come up with things for the Elf to do each evening, my husband I rather enjoyed setting up scenes for the Elf. We had Harry Potter Elf, Pirate Elf, Racing Driver Elf and all sorts of festive fun for the kids to come down to each morning.
Decorating The Christmas Tree
Tis tradition that we put up our Christmas tree on the first weekend in December, which is precisely what we did this year. Although I’d expected whining, wailing, and woe from the kids, they were both brilliant, dedicated decorators and the entire experience was enjoyable for all.
We could really do with a new tree next year, I guess I’ll see what the sales have to offer over the next few days.
Festive Films
It’s been so cold, wet and dark outside that we’ve found snuggling on the sofa to be the preferable option. We’ve watched a fair amount of movies this month, including the classics such as Home Alone, Elf and The Polar Express. You just can’t beat cuddling on the couch with a festive film!
The Christmas Play
Each year the kids take to the stage for their Christmas play, this year was to be the final performance for our son J as it is his final year in primary school. It was an incredible show (three shows in total) and whilst the waterworks threatened to burst a few times, I managed to make it through the week without too many tears. I cannot express how proud I was of both J & E, they gave it their all and it was an absolute joy to watch them strutting their stuff on the stage.
Festive Food
Christmas is all about cheese, is it not? It sure is in this household as come December our fridge is filled with the stuff, it’s a dairy delight! I really ought to back off from the Brie and to stay away from the Stilton but its part and parcel of Christmas right?
Along with cheese, we’ve also enjoyed making (and consuming) many mince pies, chocolate logs, pigs in blankets and buffet bests to share with family and friends.
Seeing Santa
Last month the kids went to see Santa in his Grotto whilst out at the Dickensian Festival. This month, however, Santa made a personal visit to our house, the kids as always were delighted.
Kid-Free Time
Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my kids but there comes a time that every parent needs to let loose. Despite being completely and utterly exhausted following what felt like the longest term in history, my husband and I were very kindly given a ‘kid-free’ evening which we made the most of by getting ourselves ‘out out’ and though we may have had thick heads the following day, it was worth it!
Getting Our Game On
The kids were given a whole heap of games as gifts for Christmas year, each one of them has now been opened and played over the period of a few days. I’ve really enjoyed having fun with the family playing the likes of Exploding Kittens, The Tooth Fairy Game, Brain Box, Pick Up Sticks and Bank Attack. We’ve still got Jumanji and Rush Hour yet to play and I suspect I’ll also be getting thrashed by my son on Mario Kart many times before the new year arrives.
Family & Friends
We had the most wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends. Though we’ve visited almost all of our family over the past week or two, though it most often felt like a fleeting visit. Still, it was great to see everyone and to catch up.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in December.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!