After a splendid six week holiday, summer has come to a close, as has August. We’ve certainly had a super-busy, fun-filled month. Here are just a few of the highlights which I have #LikedandLoved during that time.
Although it wasn’t the holiday we’d expected, we made the best of a very bad situation and after hiring a car (and getting the heck out of the hotel) we enjoyed beach strolls, evenings out and hopping around Hersonissos.
My Thirty-something Birthday
I’ll be honest; I wasn’t entirely happy about turning another year older. I’m creeping far too close to forty for my liking. Still, I enjoyed the day and was spoilt rotten by my husband the kids. We celebrated with a trip to the cinema where we watched the latest installment of Angry Birds which was utterly hilarious.
Our Super Six-Year-Old
This month marked six years for our little lady, I’m not sure where the years have gone to but my word is she growing up fast! We celebrated the day with family at the local bistro followed by a weekend at Alton Towers.
Family Fun At Alton Towers
After traveling six and a half hours (rather than what should have been three hours), we finally arrived in Derby. Having spent a night at the Holiday Inn we then traveled to Alton Towers, where we met up with the family to spend a rather hot and sweaty day in the park.
The kids had the time of their lives (as did us adults once we managed to sneak a few rides on the coasters). We had such a good time that my husband and I are now planning to return for an adults/ adrenalin junkies weekend in the autumn.
Baby Days
Having waited for what felt like forever, I finally got to meet the recent addition to our family – my beautiful new niece.
I’m not usually the type to get broody; my baby days are long gone. However, I couldn’t help but feel slight baby-envy as she was just such a beautiful little baba, I couldn’t get enough cuddles!
Celebrating Twelve Years Together
Although we were abroad for our anniversary, we made sure to celebrate our twelve years of marriage with a few drinks, snacks and rounds of Uno with the kids at the Saloon bar.
Pool Play
Despite a dreary start to the summer, we were graced with a week of sunshine, during which the kids played for hours in the paddling pool. I meanwhile daubed myself in factor fifty, opened a Smirnoff or two and kicked back on the sun lounger. It was a holiday from home which I thoroughly enjoyed!
Workin Moms
After binge-watching the entirety of Workin Moms earlier this year, I couldn’t wait for the second series. Released during late July, season two is a must-watch, which I devoured from my device whilst abroad.
A Visit From The Tooth Fairy
Shortly after turning six-years-old, our little lady lost her first tooth! She was midway through eating a pancake when suddenly she let out a scream and a steady flow of the red stuff poured down her chin. At first, I presumed that she’d bitten her tongue, but upon inspection, I found she had lost her first tooth, it was indeed lost as she’d swallowed it!
E was rather worried that the tooth fairy wouldn’t visit given that she’d swallowed the goods, but she woke the next morning delighted to find that the tooth fairy had left her a certificate and a silver bag in which was a £2 coin.
Kitchen Planning
After years and years of whining about my kitchen, we’ve finally made a start on putting plans together for a whole new kitchen/ dining room. We have Anderson’s and Howdens coming out to measure up, draw out designs and to give us some quotes for the work – meanwhile I’ve been busy searching for discount appliances.
With a little luck we are hoping to make a start on the kitchen in the new year and I for one cannot wait!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in August.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!