So far this year, August had been one of the busiest months that we’ve had as a family but also one of my favourite months given that it’s been the summer holidays enabling us to actually spend the time together.
It’s officially the last day of August and once again that time of the month when I reflect upon the things which I have ‘Liked and Loved’. So here goes!
Our Holiday To Majorca
We spent eight days as a family in Alcudia, Majorca earlier in August. Whilst the hotel was questionable, the holiday itself was fantastic and we made many memories together as a family having fun in the sun.
My Daughters 4th Birthday
As of last week I no longer have a three-year old. Our little lady E turned the grand age of four, we threw a small house party to celebrate with family and friends where E was spoilt rotten and both the children and the adults had oodles of fun.
My Not So 21st Birthday
Given that E and I celebrate our birthdays two days apart we combined E’s party with my own birthday making the celebration a ‘double do’. I too was spoilt rotten and had a fantastic day celebrating my thirty-something birthday.
E’s First Horse Riding Lesson
Following turning four-years old E is now able to ride horses legally (or at least with insurance) therefore shortly after her birthday I took E along to the local stables where she enjoyed her first horse riding lesson with Victoria.
I am yet to write a lengthy post upon Cheesefields sharing all and sundry about the rather elaborate garden party which went down earlier this week at our friends abode. For now I will simply say that it was indeed a party to remember (from what I can remember!) and that there were many sore heads the following morning!
J’s First Sleepover
We finally got to make use of J’s ‘pull out futon’ which was included with his high sleeper bed as this week we invited ones of J’s closest friends for their first ever ‘sleep over’. It was a huge success and we will definitely be repeating sleepovers with said friend (and others) in the near future.
My New Jewellery Box
A girl can never have too much bling right? WRONG! As it turns out both my husband and my parents had the same idea upon gifts for my birthday, each having given me almost identical, luxurious jewellery boxes.
I’ve wanted a jewellery box for years now but wasn’t expecting to receive two! I have quite a lot of jewellery but simply not enough to fill two oversized boxes, Thus I spent the following few days having to decide between the two and finally opted for this beautiful Stackers Jewellery box in cream with polka print.
I adore this box and cannot get over how awesome it is to be able to store and find my jewellery with ease, why didn’t I get one of these years ago?!
Our 10th Wedding Anniversary
Paul and I celebrated ten years of marriage earlier this month. As we were saving for the holiday we decided to keep things low-cost and simple, making a meal at home then wandering out to our local watering hole for a few bevvies before bed.
The Summer Holidays
I may have moaned once or twice about the kids pressing my buttons but overall I’ve really enjoyed having the kids home for the summer. We have had the chance to spend some quality time together as a family without the daily distractions which usually stand in our way.
We have just under a week left together before the kids start back at School and I plan to make the most of it whilst we can.
Getting Ready For School
Speaking of School, E will shortly follow her brother to Primary School as she starts in the Reception class in a weeks time.
I can’t say I’m keen on uniform, I understand its purpose but feel that it’s costs are a little extreme. I am however feeling rather accomplished having managed to collect, purchase and acquire all uniform items and accessories ready for the occasion.
I’m yet to label up said uniform items with name tags but unlike most years when I’m sat wondering what I’ve forgotten I’m on the ball this year and ready to rock and roll!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in August.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!
Happy belated. I was unaware that you had to be aged 4 and above to ride a horse legally. If my girls express an interest I hope to introduce them to the nearby riding school which also helps those with disabilities to ride too. #likedandloved
Yes our riding school also does riding for those with disabilities
What a fantastic month you had! I love that Moana cake and aw to the first sleepover 🙂 Thanks for joining in with #LikedandLoved again
Stevie x
Thanks Stevie nice to meet you at the weekend