Our little lady was busy devouring her dinner when all of a sudden she let out a scream and ran to the living room. Paul and I jumped to attention, presuming that she’d bitten her tongue as a steady stream of the red stuff ran down her chin. As it turns out E’s tongue was just fine, upon inspection we found that our little lady was missing her first tooth! E must have been super hungry as it seems she has swallowed said tooth along with her pancakes, leaving us to write an explanatory letter for the tooth fairy this …
If you look at exactly what a person’s teeth have to endure, it is remarkable, with hot liquids, cool drinks, and all kinds of food passing by on a daily basis, the teeth are really up against it. While there isn’t much we can do about that, there are certain things that really do play havoc with your teeth, and without further ado, here they are in no particular order. Avoid Chewing Ice – We have all done it at times, and while it might seem a harmless enough activity, it does put unnecessary strain on the teeth. If, …