Welcome to My Five Favourite Monthly Moments aka #MFFMM. These posts go live on the last day of each month and celebrate my five favourite moments from the month gone by. You are welcome to participate by commenting on the posts or creating your own #MFFMM post on either blogs or social media accounts. Don’t forget to add the #MFFMM badge to your posts and drop the link to your post in the comments below. So without further waffle, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from October 2024: When Dreams Come True As a child, I’d always dreamed of …
It feels like ages since I last wrote one of these posts – I remember the good old days when #LivingArrows posts were a weekly thing and whilst it was great to record regular memories, it’s a whole lot easier now that it is a monthly affair. Having watched far too many episodes of Stacey Solomon’s ‘Sort Your Life Out‘, we are currently in the midst of a mass clear-out which has involved going through each and every drawer, cupboard, nook, and cranny around the house and sorting things to go to charity or the tip. Whilst clearing the clutter …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. After four years of avoiding the plague, it finally got me. To be fair, I’m rather grateful that I’ve spent the past four years avoiding the darned thing which was a feat in itself as we’ve had COVID-19 in our house three times over. This time around, I wasn’t quite so lucky thus I’ve spent the past seven days recuperating whilst simultaneously feeling horrendous guilt regarding my absence from …
So here we are in September; the summer months are coming to a close as the nights begin drawing in and autumn makes its steady arrival. As we iron the shirts, dust off the lunch boxes, and start prepping the school bags, it’s officially time to start thinking about Halloween. Lights4Fun has got you covered for the spooky season with an awesome array of indoor and outdoor lights, wreaths, and decorations ideal for transforming your home from a house into a haunted mansion. Lights4Fun Lights4Fun first began as a family business based around a kitchen table back in 2003. They …
Having endured what seems like weeks of endless wind, rain, and miserable weather, Halloween remained crisp and dry, perfect for our two treasures to go out trick or treating around the local area. J chose to dress up as Spamton, a computer-based cartoon character with a pale face, an elongated nose, and multi-colored shades, whereas E opted to be a fire demon/ devil. To say they looked awesome is an understatement, J so was proud of his costume that he even agreed to let me share his snap on my blog. The kids spent a few happy hours wandering around …