The weather has made a sudden turn around, the sun is finally shining, the temperature has risen and having collected J from school the kids are now happily playing outside on the trampoline together.
It wont be too long until the garden is complete with artificial grass, decking and decoration ready for the summer time. I can’t wait until the kids can play out all year round without fear of sinking into a mossy mud bath.
I’m yet to source a new brolly for the picnic table, an outdoor clock and some decorative items to brighten up the back a little. Once it’s all finished I may even find myself blogging from the picnic bench, a glass of wine by my side and the sound of bird song for company. It all sounds rather idyllic really but with a little work anything is possible right?
Having moved the green house we have found that there is a rather large patch of concrete perfectly sized to cover with decking and place the kids playhouse upon. However, once the playhouse has had its day I think a hot tub may sit perfectly in its place. I’m not wishing my kids to grow up but I’ve certainly got ideas for the future!
Can you imagine having a hot tub in your back garden? I realise for some of you this may be a reality but for me it’s currently a pipe dream which I plan to put into action over the next few years with a little persuasion.
I guess I should really pull myself away from the Macbook and peel some spuds ready for tea, the kids are busy playing so I have no excuses other than pure lethargy.
Theres tea to cook, shopping to be done, books to be read and bags to be packed ready for J’s residential trip, his first night away from home without his parents or grandparents. I also have a tonne of stuff to stick in the attic if Paul fancies limbering up, otherwise it’ll remain on the side as a ‘job to do’ much like the boxes of shelving and random toys which still require fixing. Ho Hum!