Many people believe that money and spirituality work in opposite directions. However, if you talk to many of the happiest people in the world, you find that they have both. They enjoy a rich and fulfilling spiritual life but also have plenty of cash in the bank to fulfil their spiritual needs.
But how do you use your money for spiritual growth and avoid going in the opposite direction? You’re about to find out. This post shows you precisely what you need to do:
Align Your Use Of Money With Your Values
The first step is to prevent a disconnect between your wealth and what you believe is right in life. Aligning your money with your values is a crucial step in using money as a tool for spiritual growth. When you spend money on things that align with your values, you feel more fulfilled and purposeful. This way, you can align your financial decisions with your spiritual journey.
If you don’t do this, you’ll run into trouble. Your money will become self-serving and you’ll lose sight of the original purpose of having it.
Give Back
The next step is to think about how you can use your money to support the community that supported you on your journey to the top. Giving to others not only helps them but also brings a sense of purpose and joy to your life. It creates a ripple effect of positive energy, and the more you give, the more you’ll receive. Perhaps you’d like to visit your local church and listen to the vicar preach from his lectern. This is the tall stand at the front with a sloping top which is used to hold the bible- check out Lecterns by Luminati to find out more about them.
Know That Money Is Energy
Another way to view money is to see it as energy. Money is not just a physical object. It’s a representation of the value you provide to others. When you shift your perception of money from a physical object to an energetic exchange, you open yourself up to the possibility of attracting more abundance into your life.
Ultimately, money is a measure of what society owes you. You can then turn that around and use that to support your virtue in any situation.
Adopt An Abundance Mindset
When people are on the road to wealth, they can fall into the trap of adopting a scarcity mindset. For instance, they’ll buy a single buy-to-let instead of an HMO, or they’ll live in the poorest neighbourhood, just to save a few pennies on rent.
However, an abundance mindset is essential when using money as a tool for spiritual growth. When you believe that there’s enough for everyone, you attract more abundance into your life. Adopting an abundance mindset allows you to view money as a tool for growth, rather than a means of survival. In other words, you’re looking at it from an utterly different perspective.
Be Grateful
Lastly, you also need to be grateful for the wealth you accumulate on the spiritual path. When you’re grateful for what you have, you attract more abundance into your life. Gratitude allows you to appreciate the present moment and helps you focus on the positive aspects of your existence. You’re not so worried about having less than someone else and are more focused on what you can do to enjoy yourself in the here and now.
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