Switching careers can be a lot of fun. You get to try something new, explore new territory and, perhaps, do something that you’ll enjoy more. But should you take the plunge? That’s not always clear.
In this post, we take a look at some questions you’ll need to ask yourself before you take a new job in a different industry. Check them out below.
Are Other People Influencing Your Decision?
Other people in your life will try to influence your decision about what you should be doing with your time. But, ultimately, you should only take a job or switch careers if it is what you truly want. You don’t want to be in a situation where you go through all of the effort of interviewing and putting your best foot forward, only to discover yourself in a gig that you hate.
Do Your Skills Transfer?
As you work longer in a career, you build up more and more skills. Eventually, you get to the point where you are proficient in what you do and can command a higher wage.
Ideally, the skills you learned in your current career should transition over to your new one. That way, you can continue benefiting from your experience and, hopefully, earn a higher wage. However, if your skills don’t transfer and you need to start from scratch, you’ll need to accept an entry-level pay packet.
Are You Thinking Long Term?
Taking a new career could also lead to profound changes in your living situation. You might have to uproot your family and move to a new location or work long hours, just to get ahead.
Having a new job prospect is a thrilling experience, but it can also lead you to think too narrowly about your life. Ideally, you want to consider your situation more holistically, thinking about all angles of your experience. For instance, is it really worth taking a new job that makes you work evenings if you want to spend time with your family? Probably not.
Is Money Important To You?
You also need to think about what is really important to you about work. Does the job itself matter? Or is money more important?
The range of jobs available is enormous, according to Silven Recruitment. But it’s a question of finding the one that works for you.
If all you care about is watching the numbers in your bank account go up, then fine – take a job that pays exceptionally well. However, if you are the type of person prone to stress, then you’ll want to consider whether aiming high is really what you want.
Can You Progress Further In Your Current Job?
Before you jump ship, you might want to consider whether you can progress any further in the job you’re in right now. Often there will be exciting opportunities that you can slip into more easily, instead of abandoning your current work. Always explore options with your boss to see whether there is anything else you could do.
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