Many people believe that money and spirituality work in opposite directions. However, if you talk to many of the happiest people in the world, you find that they have both. They enjoy a rich and fulfilling spiritual life but also have plenty of cash in the bank to fulfil their spiritual needs. But how do you use your money for spiritual growth and avoid going in the opposite direction? You’re about to find out. This post shows you precisely what you need to do: Align Your Use Of Money With Your Values The first step is to prevent a disconnect …
When you have a family, the ability to save becomes a little more difficult or a lot more in some cases. Each extra person in the household is an extra mouth to feed, to cloth and to keep entertained. So with that said, there’s a lot that you’d need to do in order to save more money. Saving should always start early on and should continue throughout your life. Here are some tips for saving money as a family. Invest It Into Stocks, Trading Or Property Investing in different assets is important and it’s something that can help diversify …
Switching careers can be a lot of fun. You get to try something new, explore new territory and, perhaps, do something that you’ll enjoy more. But should you take the plunge? That’s not always clear. In this post, we take a look at some questions you’ll need to ask yourself before you take a new job in a different industry. Check them out below. Are Other People Influencing Your Decision? Other people in your life will try to influence your decision about what you should be doing with your time. But, ultimately, you should only take a job or switch …
This past year hasn’t been easy on any of us as we’ve been staying safe and working, learning, socialising and shopping from the comfort and safety of our homes. When it comes to the likes of shopping I’ll be honest and admit that like most people, I have done the bulk of my shopping online for a few years now, way before the pandemic hit. Though I’m aware that our high-street has suffered, due to the change in our shopping habits, I do try to support the high-street where possible but I’m a busy, working Mum and quite frankly find …
Are you living the dream, or like most people struggling to manage family life and work? How about finding a way to work from home? No more stressful mornings dropping the kids at school then jumping on the bus, train or into your car, fingers crossed that you get to work on time. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to worry about the end of the day and your pounding heart as you struggle to get across town in time to pick them up? Maybe you need to rethink and find a way to dial down the stress …