Welcome to another week of #FessUpFriday
This weeks #FessUpFriday is written by Vicky from ‘Being Tilly’s Mummy’. Vicky is a single working Mum to four children (aged 24, 22, 20 and 6 years old) and blogger from Kent. Vicky began blogging in March 2013 when she realised that her daughter’s birthday was fast approaching and it was the first birthday that she had actually looked forward to since she had suffered with Post Natal Psychosis. As she was well on the road to recovery Vicky felt that she wanted to start sharing her achievements and life as ‘Being Tilly’s Mummy‘ with the World. A year later Vicky has an outstanding parenting and lifestyle blog covering a range of topics which is now hugely popular online.
When my older kids were little, I told them that New Years Day was the shortest day of the year, because I would be so hung over from seeing the New Year in. We would get up at midday or 1pm and then I would tell them that it was bed time at 4pm because it was dark and we would go back to bed.They are nearly 21, 22 and 24 now and they still remember it!
I would like to thank Vicky for sharing her story with the #FessUpFriday blog series. This story certainly made me smile, I cannot believe your kids let you get away with it! You can read more of Vicky’s posts over at her blog ‘Being Tillys Mummy’.