Fashion modelling is one of the most competitive types of modelling in the current day, however, many would agree that it is also one of the most rewarding. This type of modelling revolves around the woman in question wearing a fashion item or several. They can, therefore, work for anyone from designers, to fashion magazines, to clothing manufacturers, to retail stores. They are also split into three categories; runway, fashion print and catalogue. These models tend to have strong and distinctive features. They have a particular look to them which makes them unique.
This is definitely a recommended career route to go down for any young model. Quite often, young models lack a sense of direction. They know they want to be involved in the industry but they are unsure regarding what type of modelling they want to do. From commercial modelling, to editorial modelling, to indeed fashion modelling; it is hard to make up your mind. However, fashion is certainly an advised choice. This is often considered the crème de la crème of modelling.
Why? Your possibilities are vast. The sky is the limit. You will get the chance to work with the best designers and brands in the world. You will have the opportunity to really make a name for yourself in the industry. Everyone remembers the fashion model over all other types of models. After all, some of the most popular young models today are involved in fashion i.e.
Sam Rollinson, 18 years old, Balenciaga, Burberry
Rosie Tapner, 17 years old, Topshop, Balenciaga
Cara Delevingne, 20 years old, Burberry
Stephanie Hall, 17 years old, Missoni, Versace, Calvin Klein
In this current day when you are involved in industries such as modelling, sports and alike, it is not just about your skill, it is about making a brand for yourself. Fashion modelling allows you to do this. Fashion modelling opens up other avenues and really gives you the potential to have a monumental career.
Not only this, but you will have a real opportunity to make big bucks too. In this industry, if you can make yourself known and become a household name, then the demand for your work is going to be high.
In the current day and age fashion modelling is definitely a positive career choice with a promising future for many young models. It gives you access to the best names in the industry, a platform to brand yourself and the opportunity to make a lot of money. All you need to do is look at the examples of young models today and the successes made by veterans already to see that this is the case.
Of course, modelling is not just a career for young females. Yes, it is harder to break into the industry as you get older. However, the industry is becoming more accepting of different ages, shapes, and sizes. Some females opt to have a facelift or dermal fillers to keep the lines at bay, but it is not a necessity.
So there you have it: an insight into starting your career in the world of modelling.
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