Easter is upon us and unlike most parents who’ve no doubt gone the extra mile to make Easter egg-stra special for the little ones, I feel that I’ve done next to nothing.
I’ve seen pictures of parents baking, crafting, organising egg hunts and all kinds of marvellous malarkey and I really ought to get my bunny ears out and get cracking with the Easter shizz but I seem to be lacking motivation.
We’ve got enough mini eggs under this roof to sink a small ship, so earlier today E and I made a start upon Easter by throwing together a few ‘chocolate nest cakes’. We then topped said cakes with various Mini Eggs and Galaxy Golden Eggs to complete our nests, the finished product looks egg-cellent!
Having finished our baking, E then carried out some educational based Easter tasks set by her Teacher. She rather enjoyed colouring by numbers and the completed, coloured egg looks cracking! Get it? Cracking?!…
Easter may not have officially arrived but if the kids don’t make a start on their chocolate soon we are going to have more eggs than space in this house! The kids don’t seem particularly bothered about Easter this year, they are more interested in the endless supply of eggs which they have been given.
Heres hoping that come tomorrow once Paul’s treasure map is complete and the eggs have been hidden to be hunted for, the kids will show a little more egg-cited, that and I may finally find my Easter mojo.
Thanks for reading, have a fantastic weekend and a wonderful Easter!