Rather than a bucket list, I’ve decided to write a wish list of the things that I would like to do throughout the winter. Instead of ticking boxes from bucket lists as I have done in the past I will simply list a number of wishes which may or may not happen without any pressure.
So without further ado, here are a few of the things that I would like to do throughout the winter should the opportunity arise.
To make use of my riding voucher by going for a beach ride on the local shore.
My husband very kindly bought me a riding voucher back in August for my birthday. I was meaning to book a ride before now but due to bad weather, work and having very little time to do anything other than sticking to the rather rigid routine which is my current life I’ve been unable to book a ride as of yet.
To replace the patio doors with french doors
We’ve been meaning to replace the patio doors for some time now but due to financial constraints have found ourselves unable to do so. It’s highly unlikely that we will fall upon the cash to carry out any DIY over the next few months but I can wish as this is a wish list after all.
To replace our Fiesta with a modern motor
Due to a motoring mishap we have recently found ourselves down to one car, not only is this causing issues with our day-to-day lives but it is seriously impractical considering that we live in such a rural area. We are hoping to find a replacement vehicle which is the correct age, price and condition within the next couple of weeks.
To have a girls day out with Dee
My bestie Dee and I have twittered about having a girl days out for some time now. Whether it’s a day out to watch a chick flick or a simple stroll around the shops, we must a find a way to make this happen over the next few months.
To book and to enjoy a full body massage, facial and the works with Amber
My good friend Amber has recently added a couple of new massage treatments to her list, its high time I gave these a go and took a little time out to relax and rejuvenate.
To have an industrial piercing in my left ear
After years of having only two piercings in each ear I’m fancying adding a few more piercings to each side lobe along with an industrial piercing in my left ear. Whether or not I’ll have the balls and the bounty to carry this is out is another matter but as I said above, this is a wish list not a ‘must do marathon’.
To have a fabulous Christmas with family and friends
Christmas is less than a fortnight away now, I’ve yet to wrap up the gifts and to hand out the last of my Christmas cards. With a little luck I’ll have that all finished by the end of the week and will then be finally be able to kick back and relax with family and friends for the festive period.
To reorganise the children’s toys, getting rid of any clutter whilst making a few pennies along the way.
The kids have a ridiculous amount of toys, most of which barely get played with. I’ve been meaning to sort through said toys for some time now but haven’t had the heart to tip any of their toys until I’m absolutely sure that they are aren’t of interest or of use.
To setup bank accounts for the children
We meant to set the children up with bank accounts years ago but other than setting up a savings account we haven’t really made much progress upon this. I have spotted a couple of kid friendly Visa based saving options which I am hoping to put into action in the new year.
To find some new recipes for the family to enjoy
Being parents to two fussy eaters can be hard work at the best of times. We’ve tended to cook the same meals time and time again simply to avoid upset or conflict with the kids. I’m hoping to experiment with their eating and to introduce each of our fuss pots to a range of easy-to-make/ bake recipes to make all of our lives a little easier.
To continue the never-ending job search with a little more luck
It’s been two years and counting now since I returned to work behind the bar. It certainly wasn’t planned as I never intended to be back behind a bar at the age of thirty-four. However, I actually enjoy my job despite the low wages and unsocial hours, it seems to suit me to a tee. However, the time has come (actually its been and gone but that’s another story) that I must make a concerted effort to find something a little more suited to our family and financial requirements. Wish me luck because up until now I’ve had no luck whatsoever thus hold out very little hope for any luck in the future but I can only try, try and try again!
To go sledging
Sadly we’ve seen very little snow over the past few years but with a little luck we may get some further flurries over the next couple of months and if so I’m planning to get the kids out on their sledges for some fun in the snow
To make a return to YouTube as a Vlogger
Once upon a time I would create monthly videos which I then uploaded to YouTube as a kind of Vlog. It was a way in which I recorded our family memories which seemed to fritter away shortly after being made redundant. I have made a few videos since then but have never made any effort to make a complete return to Vlogging. I’m hoping to put together a collection of videos from the past couple of years to cover my absence and then to make a fresh start on the Vlogging front.
To recolour and restyle my hair
I had my hair dyed a rather wonderful shade of red back in November, sadly since then the colour has faded somewhat. I am hoping to re-colour and re-style my hair in the same shade of red come the new year.
To lose a little more weight (a stone to be precise)
Having lost almost two stone earlier in the year I’ve since ebbed off on the weight loss. I would ideally like to lose a further stone in weight which following Christmas I plan to make a start upon working towards.
To book a holiday for the summer.
It may require tightening our belts somewhat with financing a car, a puppy, french doors and god knows what else around the house but I’m hoping to book a summer holiday abroad for us all to enjoy.
Whether or not I’ll get all or any of the above done I’m not entirely sure, I can only wish to give some or all of it a go and hope for the best. On the subject of Winter Wish/ Bucket Lists I’d love to read any of yours should you have written and wish to share one with me. If so please contact me either by commenting below or by sending me a message through social media or email.