It’s the start of a brand new year and with that, it’s time for me to write a brand new list of targets for the next twelve months ahead. Whilst I spent great time writing out fifteen targets for 2024, I’ve decided to make things a little more achievable this year by lowering my own expectations and limiting myself to ‘ten targets for 2025’.
- Redecorate our bedroom in tones of silver, add a white-wash wooden floor, and furnish it with a new bed and built-in wardrobes.
- Refurnish and redecorate our ensuite
- Recarpet the stairs
- Board out, tidy, and sort the attic ‘Stacy-Style’.
- Spend some time away as a couple.
- Make plans and get out more.
- Continue self-care through journaling, reading, gaming, and taking time out.
- Lose some weight!
- Stop caring so much about what others think; it’s time to get the tattoo, wear what I fancy, and stop carrying the weight of the World on my shoulders.
- Live for the moment
Whether or not I’ll achieve all or any of the above remains to be seen… wish me luck! On that note, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year. May 2025 bring you health, happiness, and good fortune.