Happy New Year! I’ve never been one to write a resolutions list, I’m utterly hopeless when it comes to the likes of dieting or giving anything up thus prefer to create a wish list as it’s far more achievable. So without further ado, here’s my wishlist/ bucket list for the year ahead.
- To finish installing the upstairs front windows
- To add new blinds to the finished windows.
- To replace the disgusting drapes which currently hang in our dining room.
- To book and to go on a holiday not necessarily abroad!
- To get a new desk and filing cabinet storage system for the office
- To watch a live gig
- To have a weekend away with the husband
- To get new bedding/blankets for our room
- To reduce my anxiety and worry by putting a stop to overthinking and overanalyzing everything.
- To read at least one book per month.
- To expand my wardrobe and to actually get myself some new clothes.
- To start drinking more juice rather than soda.
- To get to bed slightly earlier and to take better care of myself generally. Fresh body, fresh mind and all that.
- To stop being such a doormat and to put me first rather than constantly trying to please other people.
- To start believing in myself a little more.
- To put the wheels into motion and to make a start on our kitchen and dining room.
- To get a new trampoline (ideally with inbuilt basketball nets either end) to put into the garden. Well where the heck else would it go?!
- To find and to actually buy some garden furniture for the decking.
- To transfer from Sky to Talk Talk to save a whole heap of moolah.
- To enjoy every moment and to take more pictures!
So there is it, my twenty wishes for 2020! Here’s hoping that I can tick off as much as possible from this list come this time next year.