As always, on New Year’s Day, I like to look back at the targets I set for myself for the previous year, check off my achievements, and then set a whole new set of goals for the year ahead.
So without further ado, let’s see what I did… or didn’t get done in 2024:
- Make time for self-care through activities such as reading, journalling, and relaxation wherever possible
- Learn a new recipe or two with our new Air Fryer
- Enjoy more time out and about rather than being a hermit in the house
- Spend time with friends
- Continue to learn another language (Spanish)
- Consider my passions and use these to look into future career opportunities
- Redecorate and refloor J’s room in purple and oak
- Get a new bed for our room (ideally a mahogany sleigh-bed but one can dream…)
- Design and create new wardrobes for our room
- Redecorate our room in silver tones with wooden flooring
- Refurnish and redecorate our ensuite
- Recarpet the stairs
- Board out, tidy, and sort the attic ‘Stacy-Style’.
- Add facia boards to the front of the house
- Look for the glimmers and stay positive
Having reviewed and marked the list above with either green or red (green being for the goals that I achieved) I’m pretty pleased with managing to get through over half of the targets that I set for myself. 8/15 isn’t all that bad!
I guess now I ought to think about what I’d like to do in 2025 and consider how I can complete the things that I didn’t get done in 2024 and perhaps add them as goals for this year’s list. I feel a target list is a little better than a New Year’s resolution, firstly because it gives me a set list of objectives to achieve and secondly, there’s a cat in hell’s chance I’d ever stick to any sort of resolution!