At the beginning of the year I put together a bucket list of forty things which I hoped to achieve or to make a start upon throughout the year. I have since looked back and reflected upon this list (see below) and hope to create and to continue a further list for 2019.
- To lose a further stone in weight through a healthy diet and exercise – I didn’t lose a stone exactly but I continued to chip away at the ounces, though by Christmas I had piled the pounds back on. I guess this is something to continue working upon throughout 2019.
- To continue exercise through using work-out DVDs, the exercise bike and Yoga – I fully intended to get ‘fit’ but I did nothing of the sort, yet another target to add to the list for 2019.
To get a puppy (and to train it!)– As you may have read, we lost our beautiful basset Molly and did indeed get another puppy. Maisy, our second basset hound, is now ten months old, fully house trained and we love her to pieces.To find and to get a new job which fits in with my family and financial requirements– I did indeed find the perfect job which suits me financially and fits around my family and I couldn’t be happier!To book and enjoy a holiday abroad as a family– We booked and enjoyed a wonderful week in Lloret De Mar during the summer.To update at least three of the windows/ doors around the house– Whilst we managed two out of the three doors, given that the french doors come in a pair we technically did replace three doors therefore achieving our target.- To get new blinds for one or two of the windows – We are yet to complete purchasing windows but I will aim to fit blinds come winter 2019.
- To start saving for a new kitchen – Ha! We’ve spent pretty much every penny on everything else other than a kitchen. I’ll add this to my 2019 target list and no doubt my 2020 and quite possibly my 2021 list too! One day we WILL get a new kitchen but I highly doubt that it’ll be any time soon!
To write a daily diary using pen and paper format just for me– I have indeed written a daily diary and have rather enjoyed doing so.- To create regular Vlogs throughout the year – I stopped vlogging earlier this year due to security issues. I have continued to record videos but have chosen to stop sharing these online.
- To make use of meal plans for the family – Yet another target to add to the list for 2019…
- To get a new piercing (ideally an industrial piercing) – I decided against getting further piercings due to my job and whilst I’d love to sport further piercings it doesn’t shout ‘professional’ so I’ll steer clear of the steel.
- To go to or book a concert/ gig – There weren’t really any gigs that we fancied booking this year, with a little luck we can look forward to such delights in 2019.
- To visit family and friends further afield – We haven’t really had the time to visit family or friends further afield. I’d love to take a trip to Liverpool at some point to meet up with my good friend Mandy but I simply haven’t had the time!
- To purchase a blow-up bed so that we can have family/ friends to stay – We didn’t bother with a blow-up or fold-out bed as we borrowed a bed from my folks. I doubt there is much need now for guest beds so I’ll leave this for now.
To have a girls day out– Vic and I enjoyed a girls day out wedding dress shopping. It was great fun and such a pleasure to be part of her planning process.- To start teaching E how to swim – Given that our local swimming pool was knocked down we haven’t had the opportunity to organise lessons locally. I am therefore looking at booking lessons further afield for 2019.
To enrol E into a class/ activity such as dance or Drama– E made a start at the local dance club, she has since taken her talent to the stage!To continue building J’s reading, writing and spelling skills.– J has made outstanding progress with his reading, writing and spelling throughout the year.To master the art of mixing Music– I seem to making progress with my mixing and feel that it’s getting easier each time I use my decks.To learn and make three new recipes– I have used quite a few recipes this year and have made at least three new dishes, though mostly deserts it still counts right?- To sew and make something for the house – I’ve sewn quite a lot throughout the year but haven’t made anything for the house or for us at all.
To add to the outdoor Christmas decorations– As our Christmas decorations died a death, we were forced to add to our outdoor and indoor lights.To replace the living room stereo with a voice activated device– We finally binned the Sony stereo and replaced the outdated tech with an Alexa. We now have Alexa in our bedroom, J’s room and the living room!- To have a family day out to Blackpool Pleasure Beach – Whilst we went to Blackpool, it wasn’t with the children nor to the Pleasure Beach for that matter. We will therefore add this to the list for 2019.
- To start using a better skin routine – I still don’t have a skin routine and other than slapping on the odd face mask whilst in the bath, there’s very little that could make a difference to my skin at this point.
To stop over thinking things and worrying about the endless ‘what ifs’– I have made a concerted effort to reduce my ‘over thinking’ and I think it has made a difference. I must continue to work upon this throughout the years to come.- To drink less coke and more juice – I hold my hands up, I simply cannot kick my coca-cola habit.
- To have a weekend away as a couple – Unless a night out to Blackpool or an evening camping with friends counts, we haven’t really been away as ‘just us’.
- To subscribe to a new magazine and to read more generally – I couldn’t be bothered paying out for glossy mags, that and there hasn’t been anything which has caught my eye to read.
To reorganise the ridiculously oversized filing cabinet ditching any outdated documents– I completely gutted, cleaned and organised the filing cabinet earlier this year.- To put forward work for the Huffington Post or other online publications. – I don’t really feel that my work is up to ‘Huff Post’ standard so haven’t bothered putting forward any pieces as of yet.
To find and purchase a sun lounger to place on the decking for summer– We bought a pair of sun loungers during the summer, they lasted less than a month and have since been thrown away. I think we will look into rattan couches for the decking rather than sun loungers as it might last a little longer!To have a complete clear out eBaying any unwanted clothing, toys (indoor and outdoor), books, games or items– I’m forever clearing out and cleaning clutter. I am regularly at the post office sending packages for eBay and have made a real dent in the clutter throughout the year.To buy a new pair of Skechers for the spring. – I bought not just one but two pairs of Sketchers for the summer!To learn how to use my hair tongs correctly to achieve the perfect curl– I haven’t had the patience nor the time to spend curling or styling my hair but will give it another go in the new year.To update the photographs and frames around the house with recent photos– I updated at least three frames and then they became sun-bleached in the windowsills and have since been removed. I will look into adding further frames in the new year.To master the art of ‘top liner’ and ‘wings’ using a liquid eyeliner– I have managed to master the art of adding wings with eyeliner. However, I have learnt to do this a few hours before going out as otherwise the lines are a little wonky…To get back into gaming for relaxation.– I’ve spent a few hours gaming over the year but haven’t really the focus nor the time to waste clicking buttons playing games.To continue voluntary work within Schools building further experience within Education– I worked within Education on a voluntary basis until February, at which point my dreams came true as I became a staff member!
I’m pretty pleased with my progress considering that I managed to get through twenty-two out of the forty targets listed. Here’s hoping that I can do as well with my list for 2019!
Love this, you got loads ticked off! Haven’t read your blog for ages, catching up now!x
Awwww thanks x