It’s been a while since I’ve sat and written a bucket list. Once upon a time I would write a list for every season but I’ve been a little busy this year and haven’t really had the time nor the energy to think more than one day ahead. What better to do on a sleepy Saturday than to focus on the future and to set a few goals for the foreseeable? So without further ado, here are a few of the things that I would like to do throughout autumn.
- To go for walks through the woods with the children and Maisy (our beautiful basset hound puppy).
- To enjoy a weekend away to Blackpool or beyond with our friends
- To catch up with my bestie and to organise a regular time for a brew and some banter – there simply hasn’t been a second to stop recently and I miss our chit chats!
- To choose a couple of Halloween outfits for the children (and the pooch!) to wear this Halloween.
- To make or to buy some brand new Halloween buckets to fill whilst out trick or treating.
- To visit our local pumpkin patch and to take some pictures as a family.
- To create some Halloween themed crafts, which we will then display around the house along with some new decorations to celebrate the season in style.
- To order and to have a brand new front door fitted.
- To watch both of our local firework displays with family and friends.
- To share sparklers around the bonfire (and most likely the burny bin) with the children.
- To order and to have a brand new set of bay windows fitted.
- To find and to buy some new boots for the winter (ideally tan or brown leather mid-calf style if I can find something suitable and sturdy enough for my feet).
- To have a day out shopping and to buy a couple of cosy cardigans for the cooler weather.
- To order and to buy some brand new slipper boots for both my daughter and I.
- To bake and to make some autumn cakes and biscuits with the children (including gingerbread and gingerbread men).
- To get my hair re-coloured and cut.
- To fill and to paint over the cracks which have been awaiting our attention in our bedroom, the study and the kitchen.
- To complete watching the Friends box set on Netflix.
- To get back to a healthy eating plan and to lose a little weight.
- To hang some new blinds in both the bathroom and J’s room.
- To book and to start E’s swimming lessons.
- To get back to mixing music and to create a couple of new playlists.
- To make a return to yoga classes and to get my body back into some kind of shape.
- To make lists and to make a start upon the Christmas shopping.
- To upload, to organise and to print the past years worth of pictures.
- To empty and to reorganise the garage into a useable space.
- To replace the rather ‘ancient and crackly’ house phones with something a little less ‘past it’.
- To clean and to de-clutter the house room by room.
- To make use of my Kindle and get back to reading of an evening.
- To find and to order some outdoor decorations for the festive period.
Whether I complete all of the above is debatable, I will certainly give it my best shot and with a little luck I can tick off at least ten of my targets.