There was once a time when I lived with a JVC camera wedged in my hand as I followed J around in a similar fashion to the paparazzi. When you’ve just got the one child its easy to focus your attentions upon them and recording their every moment seems completely acceptable. However, when you have two children, a husband, a dog, a part-time job and a house to keep clean along with all of the other day-to-day bits and bats you barely have time to fart never mind to shoot videos.
I used to upload videos religiously onto youtube recording each and every one of J’s months as they passed by. I am so glad that I did do this as when it came to having E I had something to look back on and to compare the milestones with. I know they say that parents should never compare their children but I’m fairly sodding sure that we all do it. Anyhow, whilst I haven’t spent hours with a camera in my hand, I have managed to record a few clips of the kids on my IPhone which seems to be just as good as my JVC Everio ever was. It’s amazing how technology moves so quickly, when I first started out recording videos mobile phones were just that, a mobile telephone. These days they are much more than a telephone, they are our mobile computers, cameras, video cameras, mp3 players, televisions, schedules and much more.
I decided to try to play catch up this week following a good friend of mine telling me to “Just be yourself, rather than being Rachel sod what other people think, be RachelSwirl and if you enjoy vlogging then do it, there’s no reason to stop”. Jamie was absolutely right, why should I care so much about what other people think and say? I followed his advice and gave my head a wobble, I began by reinstating my previous youtube videos to ‘public’, I then loaded up ‘IMovie‘ on my Macbook Pro, IMovie is a piece of software that I had always dreamed of using yet never previously had. It didn’t take me long to get my head around using IMovie and before I knew it I was creating videos from each month for the past twelve months or so that I had missed and as of today I am now ‘up to date’. Using IMovie made me fall in love with my Mac all over again, I am definitely ‘Team Apple‘.
I will try to add my YouTube video feed to the side of my blog at some point soon but until then, here are three of my videos that I would like to share with you, there are plenty more where these came from and who knows, maybe one day there will be some ‘face to face’ vlogging style videos to add to the mix. I just need to lose two stone, get a face lift and have my teeth straightened or maybe just wear a paper bag over my head and I’ll be set to go!
Vlogging is on my blogging list for this year and I am hoping to make a start soon – I must admit I find it a bit daunting. I have subscribed to your channel =)
Aww well done for getting back into vlogging! Great advice from your friend – just be you! Gorgeous vlogs. I hope you really enjoy it this time. I did my first vlog at the weekend and really enjoyed it but have so much to learn about the vlogging community – I have no idea where to start so need to do some research into that this weekend #PicknMix
Yeh I get some good advice at times hehe
I’ve just started to venture in to vlogging, so much to learn. Such cute videos. I will pop over and subscribe. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix
Thanks x