With less than twenty-four hours until I attend the Blog On conference I have created a quick tick list of things to do before I work tonight’s bar shift.
- Have a long lay in and try to get rid of my stinking cold.
- Grab my suitcase from my in-laws garage (yep all our garage vitals have had to move whilst the extension is underway).
- Paint my finger and toe nails
- Charge my selfie stick
- Charge my phone
- Swap my handbag contents over into my larger black handbag
- Add paracetamol,my new business cards, a notepad, my diary, pens and a small bottle of coke to my bag contents.
- Fill my vape with juice and charge for the journey
- Fill the car with petrol and try to make it as clean as possible. I will be picking up a fellow blogger I’ve never yet met at sometime in the early hours and don’t want to be driving my usual mobile skip.
- Get my outfit and spare outfit out and ready.
- Clean and dry my Skechers for the morning.
- Pack Ugg boots in case I fancy an alternative footwear option come tomorrow.
- Jot down the schedule for the sessions taking place, I would print the plan for the day but my printer has also gone on temporary vacation due to the build.
- Write down directions in terms of junction numbers, car parks etc.
I must now get my backside into gear and get on it like a car bonnet.