E Is Turning 3!
E is turning three years old next Monday, where the heck has the time gone!? I feel like it was only last week that I was sat with a milk drunk baby snuggled into my chest. My little lady has grown up so much its unreal, she is no longer a baby nor a toddler really… She is a beautiful little girl brimming with confidence and sparkle.
As with every birthday that goes by for my children, I spend a large portion of time working in the background months beforehand organising parties, gifts and such like which then miraculously appear in my wardrobe (not the most original hiding place I know but it seems to work for now) ready to wrap for the big day.
I thought you might fancy a sneaky peaky at the gifts that I have acquired for our Little Princess ready for her to open as she ditches the so-called ‘terrible-two’s’ and becomes a ‘threenager’.

I have also picked up a small gift for J so that he too has something to open and doesn’t feel left out. We do this for both of our children on each of their birthday’s so that the special day can be ‘shared’.
J is a huge Adventure Time fan, I am fairly certain that this plush will be a much-loved addition to his collection. No doubt E will also take great pleasure in stealing a few cuddles from the cuddly calculator aka Beemo.
The Party
We are planning a small home-based party for E this year. Hopefully the weather will hold out and we will be able to make full use of the garden.
We have invited our friends and family including ten children in total. This may not sound like a huge number of guests but let me assure you that with ten children running riot we will have our hands full!
I am hoping to keep things low-key with a casual buffet and drinks, we will of course be sure to have some alcoholic beverages behind the scenes for those that fancy a cold one!
The Cake
There is also the cake which I will need to get working upon later this week. E has requested a ‘Frozen’ cake to go along with the Frozen theme for the day. I’ve been given a few ideas from E as to how she’d like her cake to appear, I am pretty good at baking but am no Nigella. I’ll try my hardest and hope for the best, if it doesn’t turn out ‘Pinterest Perfect’ then hopefully E will ‘Let it go’…
So here is the cake that I will be attempting most probably whilst sipping a Martini and Lemonade for some cake confidence!
Wish me luck, they do say that ‘the proof is in the pudding’, then again they also say that ‘it’s not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside that matters’ and as cake always tastes good no matter how it may be decorated I will stick to the latter phrase for moral baking support.
Wish Me Luck!
I will be sure to keep you updated as the party prep progresses, come the weekend I will be probably be a dithering wreck threatening to take Anna and Elsa outside for some serious words.
Oh wow! What a lucky girl…It looks like she’s going to have a wonderful birthday! Fab presents and an amazing cake! Good luck with making it….
Thanks Kim x
My boys are much more of a fan than me, but that Adventure Time toy is really quite cute! Good luck with the Frozen Cake, I’m sure she will love it however it turns out.
3 already!! She is one lucky girl with those presents and cake! Looking forward to hearing how it goes, good luck for the party! Xxx
Sooo cute!! i would love a little girl to play with!
I bet she had an amazing time