Unlike most families that fit as much as is humanly possible into their holidays, we’ve spent the half term doing as little as possible. Whilst I had all kinds of plans to go out here, there and everywhere I realised that rest was far more important. Having spent the week at home, E is finally on the road to recovery and I too feel a little better for having had a breather.
The kids have been kept entertained with a range of autumn and Halloween based crafts, baking and such-like. I am far from a flawless parent, but I certainly give it my all to prevent all out boredom. I’m well aware that come Monday, the kids will no doubt be discussing and comparing their half term with their friends and wondering why we did so little – I will endeavour to mix it up a little and to makeup for the lack of days out over the next few weeks.
It’s not been an entirely wasted week, we’ve been out to the local bouncy castle madness session, we’ve skated and scooted around at the local Halloween disco and we’ve each had our hair cut. I realise that this isn’t exactly exciting but I much prefer mundane to mayhem.
To be honest I’ve rather enjoyed slouching on the sofa and spending time with the children without having to stick to a routine or to rush around. Half term may not have been the holiday the kids were hoping for but it’s given both them and I time to recuperate and to recover before the countdown to Christmas begins.